

An important delegation of TecnaTox researchers, including Jordina Balaguer, Saurav Kumar, Òscar Sabuz, as well as Dr. Deepika, attended the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology, which was held in the city of Maastricht, the Netherlands, from September 18 to 21, 2022. These researchers presented a number of posters focused on the following areas:

1) Artificial intelligence for predicting BBB permeation
2) In-vitro gut-brain axis along with microbiota for Neurotoxicity
3) In-vitro gut-immune axis along with microbiota for Immunotoxicity
4) Development of PBPK model for organophosphate flame retardant for Neurotoxicity in infants

A PDF copy of the posers presented in the conference can be download here.

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The 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology / ISEE 2022 took place in September 18-21, 2022, in Athens (Greece). TecnATox was represented by Dr. Montse Marquès, who presented a communication entitled Endocrine disruptors and gestational diabetes mellitus: A pilot study of INSULIN cohort (Catalonia, Spain).

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Researchers of the area of Toxicology have just published a new manuscript in Food and Chemical Toxicology, aimed at assessing social autistic-like behaviors on mice pre or postnatally exposed to chlorpyrifos, in both males and females.
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Biosca-Brull J, Guardia-Escote L, Blanco J, Basaure P, Cabré M, Sánchez-Santed F, Domingo JL, Colomina MT. Prenatal, but not postnatal exposure to chlorpyrifos affects social behavior of mice and the excitatory-inhibitory balance in a sex-dependent manner. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022: 113423

In 2021, Prof. Domingo performed a review of the scientific literature on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 in Environmental Research. One year after, because of the important advances on the knowledge of this virus, he has published an updated review in Environmental Research.

According to the results of the review, the origin of SARS-CoV-2 cannot be not established yet, although most papers point out to a zoonotic origin of this coronavirus. In any case, the hypothesis of an unnatural origin of SARS-CoV-2 cannot be yet scientifically discarded. Imoprtantly, most of the available papers on the origin of SARC-CoV-2 are not experimental studies.

Bibliographic details on this publication can be found below:

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Domingo JL. An updated review of the scientific literature on the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Environ Res. 2022; 215, Part 1: 14131

Experts from all over Europe in research in the fields of toxicology and the environment have gathered in Tarragona to work together within the framework of the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) project, which aims to study the impact that the chemicals present in our environment have on people’s health and to urge governments to improve their regulation.

Chemistry is present in our everyday life (in food, packaging, electronics, clothes…) and also in the air we breathe. It is essential, but so is ensuring that these products are safe for our health and the environment. The TecnATox research group of the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV-CERCA) and the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) has been conducting research in the field of toxicology and the environment for more than 3 decades and it is a reference in Spain.

The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) project is coordinated by the Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES) and nearly 200 key institutions work together in the field of research throughout Europe. In Spain, the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, which participates in the study as an affiliated entity of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), is the one that has received the most funds from the European Commission (organization responsible for financing).

PARC is part of the Horizon Europe program, which aims to achieve a scientific, technological, economic and social impact of the European Union’s investments in the field of R&D.

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Every year, Alzheimer’s World Day takes place on September 21. As this is one of the research areas of TecnATox, several investigators will attend an event at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, co-organized by URV, IISPV, St. Joan University Hospital, the Alzheimer's Association of Reus and Baix Camp, the Family Association of Alzheimer Costa Daurada,  and the Catalan Society of Biology, territorial section of Southern Catalonia. Dr. Mònica Bulló will be one of the invited speakers, while Dr. Jaume Folch will be the moderator of the round table.

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DeepiKa Deepika successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 7th September 2022. She obtained the maximum qualification Excellent Cum Laude. Her thesis was entitled "Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling for Neuronal Adverse Outcome", and it was supervised by Dr. Vikas Kumar, Dr. Raju Prasad Sharma and Prof. Marta Schuhmacher.

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Scientific research does not stop in Summer. In August, TecnATox researchers published two new articles in high-impact scientific journals on Environmental Sciences:
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Deepika D, Sharma RP, Schuhmacher M, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Quentin J, Slama R, Grazuleviciene R, Andrušaitytė S, Waiblinger D, Wright J, Yang TC, Urquiza J, Vrijheid M, Casas M, Domingo JL, Kumar V. Unravelling sex-specific BPA toxicokinetics in children using a pediatric PBPK model. Environ Res. 2022; 114074
Souza MCO, Rocha BA, Adeyemi JA, Nadal M, Domingo JL, Barbosa F Jr. Legacy and emerging pollutants in Latin America: A critical review of occurrence and levels in environmental and food samples. Sci Total Environ. 2022; 157774
Dr. Venkatanaidu Karri, former researcher of TecnATox, was invited as a speaker for the Multidisciplinary Seminar Program by ETSEQ in May 2022. The title of his presentation was "Toxicological Risk Assessment of Medical Devices: An industry perspective".

Dr. Karri is currently a Biosafety Specialist at Coloplast A/S Global Med Tech Company, Copenhagen-Denmark. His current role at Coloplast A/S as a Biosafety Specialist focuses on writing safety assessment reports of medical devices as per EU, and FDA regulatory compliance, REACH Chemical Compliance assessment documentation, and stakeholder management. He performed his PhD between 2015 and 2018 at TecnATox, under the supervision of Prof. Marta Schuhmacher and Dr. Vikas Kumar. His dissertation focused on the “metal mixtures neurotoxicity using proteomics approach”. After his PhD, he worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher at Karolinska Institute (KI) Sweden (2019-2021) and Maastricht University (2018-2019) – The Netherlands.

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TecnATox working group on micro- and nanoplastics continues very active. Dr. Rovira has been invited to participate in the workshop "IMPULSEM L'ECONOMIA BLAVA AMB MIRADA DE DONA", which will take place next July 25, 2022 at Centre Cívic - Montse Civit, Segur de Calafell.

More information on the workshop can be found by clicking here.

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