
Several contributions of TecnATox at the ICT 2022

Posted on 27-09-2022


An important delegation of TecnaTox researchers, including Jordina Balaguer, Saurav Kumar, Òscar Sabuz, as well as Dr. Deepika, attended the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology, which was held in the city of Maastricht, the Netherlands, from September 18 to 21, 2022. These researchers presented a number of posters focused on the following areas:

1) Artificial intelligence for predicting BBB permeation
2) In-vitro gut-brain axis along with microbiota for Neurotoxicity
3) In-vitro gut-immune axis along with microbiota for Immunotoxicity
4) Development of PBPK model for organophosphate flame retardant for Neurotoxicity in infants

A PDF copy of the posers presented in the conference can be download here.