

On 5th and 6th of May, a Transnational Project Meeting of the SEEDS project took place in Vienna. The SEEDS project (agreement number 2020-1-ES01-KA202-08313) is co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by URV (TecnATox). The project aims to strengthen professional development of start-uppers, young entrepreneurs and VET trainers through adoption or improving knowledge and skills in the field of implication Circular Economy to modern Entrepreneurship reality. 

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Dr. Jaume Folch and Dr. Joaquim Rovira were the representatives of TecnATox at the Good Karma Day event, which took place in April 30th at La Pineda beach (Vila-seca). Dr. Folch talked about his book "Lar mar de Tarragona", while Dr. Rovira presented the results of the study on microplastics on Tarragona coast.

More information about Good Karma Project can be found at



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The Erasmus + Project “DISCERN-A customised Digital Space to Foster Circular Economy Entrepreneurship with SMEs” has released the first newsletter. We invite you to read it by clicking on this news

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EAP El Morell and TecnATox have started a new collaborative study, entitled “Assessment of the level of effect biomarkers and exposure to air pollution in blood and urine samples of residents depending on the distance to the petrochemical complex (PETROMARKER)” and led by Dr. José Luis Domingo. The main objective of the study is to assess the levels of several biomarkers of exposure and effect in biological blood and urine samples in two groups of residents depending on the distance to the petrochemical complex of Tarragona. In early March Nuria Gayà, whose PhD thesis is performed in the framework of this project, initiated the recruitment of participants and the collection of samples from 200 residents in El Morell.
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On March 31st, David Mateo participated at the Workshop Innovation Research Interchange between PhDs from the Food Quality and Design Group at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and members of the XIA Network, held at the Edifici Històric at University of Barcelona. 

This event served as an opportunity to present the DEM-BIOTA Project and to seek potential international collaborations.

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Last March 30th, the final NEUROSOME conference was held. NEUROSOME was an European integrated training network which investigated the causal associations among genetic predisposition, cumulative exposure to multiple environmental chemicals of children and neurodevelopmental disorders. The project brought together beyond- the-state-of-the-art advances in human biomonitoring and systems biology, exposure monitoring and toxicological testing technologies and advanced tools for computational analyses of the exposure-to-health effect continuum according to the exposome paradigm. NEUROSOME, which run between October 2017 and March 2022, was coordinated by Prof. Denis Sarigiannis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Regarding TecnATox, Prof. Marta Schuhmacher and Ms. Deepika had a very active participation in the project.


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4.0 ANDCOM project has arrived to its formal end date, now it is time for adult educators to use the training materials created in the framework of the project to develop their competences in Industry 4.0 concepts. Remember that in the project website you will find the links to the:

  • m-learning courses “Industry 4.0 in teaching low-skilled adults”
  • Video guidance: “How to implement Industry 4.0 in teaching low-skilled adults effectively?

All the OER are available in the seven languages of the partnership (Deutsch, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Lithuanian, Polish and Romanian), apart from English.

We hope you find them a useful resource and remember that education in Industry 4.0 is imperative not only for our future but also everyday lives.

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Several researchers of TecnATox will participate at the II Biology Conference of the Territorial Section of Southern Catalonia of the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB-CS), whose objective is to make researchers and society aware of the diversity of biological research that is being carried out in in the counties of Tarragona, and open a space for debate and exchange between biology professionals. The aim of the SCB-CS is to integrate the large community of biologists, biotechnologists and biochemists, as well as specialists in the different fields of biomedicine in their activities.

This second day aims to provide an overview of one of the backbones of the research carried out by biologists in southern Catalonia, in the Tarragona region: human nutrition. In particular, we want to focus on one of the aspects that are emerging strongly in the field of nutrition and is the role that the microbiome plays on general health, on the functioning of the immune system, on the evolution of metabolic diseases. such as diabetes or the development of cognitive loss processes.

Details of the workprogram, as well as the list of speakers, are summarized in the file below. Registrations can be done at

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In March 2022, GRUPO DIH has updated the ranking of best scientists residing in Spain, according to their h-index. Prof. José L. Domingo is still listed as the best scientist in the area of Toxicology, with an h-index of 77. In turn, he has been also identified as one of the top 10 researchers in the area of Environmental Sciences.  

As a novelty, Dr. Martí Nadal has been included in the list of best scientists in the area of Environmental Sciences, accounting 192 published articles and an h-index of 43.

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Dr. Montse Marquès has been awarded with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellowship. She will be working on “The Chemical Exposome of Pregnant Women” (MANGO) at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health (United States) under the supervision of Prof. Ana Navas-Acien and Prof. Gary Miller for two years. Afterwards, she will perform the incoming phase at TecnATox under the supervison of Prof. Domingo.

MANGO is a follow-up of INSULIN that will allow implementing the results of the project by means of a pilot prevention programme to reduce the exposure of pregnant women to hazardous chemicals.

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Results 111 - 120 of 355