
Gutiérrez-Martín D, Marquès M, Pons-Escoda A, Vidal N, Bruna J, Restrepo-Montes E, López-Serna R, García-Sayago F, Majos C, Gago-Ferrero P, Gil-Solsona R. Tumoral and normal brain tissue extraction protocol for wide-scope screening of organic pollutants. Methods X, 2023, 10: 102069.
Biosca-Brull J, Guardia-Escote L, Basaure P, Cabré M, Blanco J, Pérez-Fernández C, Sánchez-Santed F, Domingo JL, Colomina MT. Exposure to chlorpyrifos during pregnancy differentially affects social behavior and GABA signaling elements in an APOE- and sex-dependent manner in a transgenic mouse model. Environ Res. 2023: 115461
Beatriu de Pinós application process is open and we are looking for excellent candidates to apply for in any Area of TecnATox (Toxicology, Environment and Food). If you are willing to become a high level post-doc, do not hesitate to contact us.
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Again, TecnATox will be fully committed with the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11). Several of our researchers will be involved in a number of activities to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. These activities take place in the framework of the 100tifiques event, organized by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology. At 11 am there will be simultaneous talks to give visibility to women in science.

Up to 60% of TecnATox staff members are women, being very well represented among scientists, technical staff and management team. We are proud to say that our Technological Center is co-directed by two women (Dr. Mònica Bulló and Dr. Montse Marquès). Furthermore, most of the SGR groups which compose TecnATox are also led by women.

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"Air concentrations of heavy metals are significantly higher at El Morell than at a background site (Cambrils)". This is the main conclusion on a recenty presented investigation led by Dr. Joaquim Rovira and Prof. Marta Schuhmacher.

TecnATox researchers analyzed the presence of several trace elements (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead and vanadium) in air particulate matter (PM10) for three consecutive weeks at 2 different sites (El Morell and Cambrils), and the results were of great concern.

The study was financially supported by El Morell Town Council, and it was executed in parallel of another investigation led by Dr. Eva Gallego and Dr. José Francisco Perales, researchers of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), who focused on another group of air pollutants of high concern: volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

More information can be found at


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The Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) has published the Proposal for the provisional resolution of SGR-Cat 2021 to support the scientific activity of research groups in Catalonia. We are pleased to inform that all TecnATox research groups have been recognised by AGAUR as SGR:

2021 SGR 00213 - Nutrition and Metabolic Health - NuMeH
2021 SGR 00105 - Laboratori de Toxicologia i Salut Mediambiental - LTSM
2021 SGR 00149 - Recerca en Neurocomportament i Salut - NEUROLAB
2021 SGR 00738 - Environmental Analysis and Management using Computer Aided Process Engineering - AGACAPE
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Do you want to work on the determination and elimination of microplastics and other pollutants in biological, food and environmental samples?

We are hiring new personnel!

More info at

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In the framework of the EarlyCLOTHES project, researchers of TecnATox and the University of Sao Paulo, have published an article focused on the presence of 20 regulated amines (AAs) in clothes marketed in Brazil and Spain. Generally, higher levels of regulated AAs were found in samples sold in Brazil than in Spain, which is linked to the lack of regulation. Concentration values in clothing were also used to evaluate the dermal exposure to AAs in 3 vulnerable population groups: pregnant women, newborns and toddlers.

After the publication of the first results of the project, not only regulated amines but also formaldehyde, the investigation is now focused on the co-occurrence of other textile additives, such as non-regulated AAs, trace elements and bisphenols.

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Oliveira Souza MC, González N, Herrero M, Marquès M, Rovira J, Nadal M, Barbosa F, Domingo JL. Screening of regulated aromatic amines in clothing marketed in Brazil and Spain: Assessment of human health risks. Environ Res. 2023: 115264.

Dr. Jordi Sierra gave a presentation at the 1st Meeting of Microplastics in River Basins in México. The meeting was held in Puebla (Mexico) and also online (January, 10 and 11). The objective of this event, organized jointly by Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Puebla (UPMP) and Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), was to present topics related to sampling and quantification of microplastics, as well as their treatment, circular economy and policy. More information of this event can be found at



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On December 16, 2022, the Editorial Office of the Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment (JEEA) conducted a special interview with Prof. José L. Domingo, Emeritus Director of TecnATox. Dr. Rui Hou (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China) was invited as the Guest Moderator. The full interview can be listened at


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Last weekend, Prof. José L. Domingo, Emeritus Director of TecnATox, was interviewed by Leafbox, and old school 2000s style blog that features a collection of interviews, notes, tunes, photography/art and personal interest projects. The full interview is available at


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Results 61 - 70 of 355