
TecnATox made waves at the recent 34th SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) held in Sevilla from 5 to 9 May, with groundbreaking research shedding light on the chemical exposome and its impact on human health.

Dr. Montse Marquès chaired the session titled "Unveiling the Chemical Exposome: Insights From Human Biomonitoring and Its Influence on Adverse Health Outcomes”, and she also presented two pivotal posters:

  1. Holistic determination of the prenatal exposome for a comprehensive overview of placental barrier: This research provides a holistic view of the prenatal exposome, offering valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of the placental barrier and its interaction with environmental factors.
  2. Identification of exogenous organic compounds in blood plasma, seminal plasma, and urine, and their association with human semen quality: This study delves into the association between exogenous organic compounds and human semen quality, offering crucial insights into potential impacts on reproductive health.
Ana González-Ruiz, a PhD student of the TecnATox, made significant contributions with her flash presentation entitled: Potential Association of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia: A Case-Control Study. González's research sheds light on the potential link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals and Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, presenting a compelling case-control study that underscores the need for further investigation into this area.
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Dr. Joaquim Rovira was invited by the AIRENET neighborhood group to give a talk about the environmental situation of the area surrounding the municipal solid waste incinerator of Sant Adrià de Besòs. The event took place in April 26 at 18:30 h at Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany (Centre Cívic Pati Llimona), Barcelona.



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Researchers of TecnATox, led by Prof. Mònica Bulló, director of the Nutrition and Metabolic Health research group (NuMeH) and TecnATox, have discovered the mechanism that links consuming a diet rich in saturated fats with Alzheimer's disease. The results of this project, made in collaboration with the Institute of Pere Virgili Health Research (IISPV), CIBERobn and the University of Barcelona, have been published in the journal Nutrients.

According to Prof. Bulló, "the results obtained in this study represent an advance in the knowledge of the mechanism that would explain the relationship between obesity, type 2 diabetes and the development of Alzheimer's [disease]. Furthermore, they offer new targets for the possible prevention and treatment of the disease”.

The full content of the article can be found at


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The Gresol Foundation presented the Gresol Jove Awards to Entrepreneurial Talent last April 18. More specifically, the Foundation awarded two researchers of the Nutrigenomics group and members of TecnATox, Prof. Begoña Muguerza and Dr. Miquel Mulero, in the category of academic talent. Other awards went to the TIC Catalunya Sud Cluster in the technological talent category, and chef Rafel Múria, in the gastronomic talent category.


The award ceremony was attended by physicist and scientist Neus Sabaté, Research Professor at the Barcelona Microelectronics Institute (IMB-CNM-CSIC), whom the Gresol Foundation recognized for her scientific work.


More information about this can be found at URV website (

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One of our PhD students, Ana González, presented last Wednesday her monologue entitled "Unveiling the mysteries of endocrine disruptors" in the 11th edition of the scientific dissemination contest "Vols saber què investigo?" organized by the Science Communication and Dissemination Unit of the URV.

The event took place at the Bartrina Theater in Reus, where Ana explained her thesis project in a familiar and informative way to a young audience of high school students from different parts of the Camp de Tarragona region. She explained what endocrine disruptors are, what products can they be found in, and what effects they can have on the health of pregnant women.

From here we want to congratulate Ana for her participation and all the winners of the contest!

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TecnATox co-Founder and former co-Director, Prof. Marta Schuhmacher, has been selected by the Catalan Government as one of the 19 people to receive the 2023 President Macià Work Medal.
These awards recognize people who, within the world of work, have stood out for their qualities, personal merits or for the services provided for the benefit of general interests.


Prof. Schuhmacher is Emeritus Professor of Environmental Engineering at the School of Chemical Engineering at the URV, Former Director of the AGA Group,  former co-Director of TecnATox and Distinguished Professor by the URV. She was an active member of The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry and The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), being involved in a high number of national and international projects. As a result of that, she has published several chapter books and a >300 scientific publications in peer-review journals.


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ICREA Acadèmia 2023 call has selected 40 researchers from Catalan universities, one of them researcher of TecnATox. This is Prof. Eduard Llobet, head of the Microsystems Nanotechnologies for Chemical Analysis (MINOS) research group and professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics at “Rovira i Virgili” University (URV), who has already received this recognition in previous calls (2013 and 2018). With this distinction, the Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies recognizes the research work among the staff of Catalan public universities, with the aim of contributing to retaining the research talent of the territory.


Eduard Llobet is founder of the spin-offs NanoChronia and Green Smart Data and president of the Spanish Network of Microsystems and Nanotechnology (IBERNAM). From 2010 to 2014, he was director of the Materials Engineering and Micro/Nano Systems Research Center and, in 2019, URV recognized him as a distinguished professor. Since 2006, he has been head of the MINOS research group, recognized by Generalitat de Catalunya and focused on developing gas detection technologies. Prof. Llobet is co-author of more than 250 scientific articles, 40 invited lectures at international congresses and leader of >40 projects at regional, national and international level.


One year ago, Prof. Mònica Bulló, current director of the Nutrition and Metabolic Health Research Group (NuMeH) and director of TecnATox, received the ICREA Acadèmia 2022 award. Therefore, TecnATox holds 2 top researchers with this prestigious award.

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We invite you to participate in the III Nutraceutical Days organized by the Nutrigenomics Research Group, as part of the activities of the Uriach Chair of Nutraceuticals at the Rovira i Virgili University.

The conference will take place at the Tarraconense Center El Seminari in Tarragona.

During these two days, we will explore the latest advances in the field of nutraceuticals, with informative sessions and presentations by experts. It is a unique opportunity to first hand learn about the latest research in nutraceuticals.

REGISTER FOR FREE until the next March 4, 2024.


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Researchers from the Nutrition and Metabolic Health (NuMeH) group and TecnATox have identified a group of molecules with the potential to improve the Alzheimer's diagnosis process. Published by the journal Cell & Bioscience, the results of this research represent an important step towards having tools that allow diagnosing this neurodegenerative disease when the symptoms are still mild.


The research team has analyzed blood samples from 192 people with mild cognitive impairment, that is, individuals with cognitive and memory problems at risk of developing Alzheimer's, users of the ACE Alzheimer Center Barcelona. The results have identified 15 small non-coding RNA molecules, present in 85% of the participants with a higher risk of developing the disease and would allow the most vulnerable patients to be diagnosed years in advance. These molecules are short chains of nucleotides that, although they contain genetic information, do not have the ability to code for a protein. Instead, they activate or deactivate other RNA molecules that do have the ability to do so.


“Small non-coding RNA molecules, together with traditional methods, have the potential to improve the prediction of Alzheimer's and its early diagnosis,” explains Laia Gutérrez-Tordera, pre-doctoral researcher and lead author of the research. Currently, Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed by clinical symptoms, which can be complemented by neurological imaging tests - such as MRI - and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid through a lumbar puncture, an invasive and uncomfortable procedure. Implementing RNA analysis into diagnostic techniques would improve the patient experience by reducing the use of invasive procedures. Better understanding the function of these molecules in the stages prior to the disease can also help design new preventive and therapeutic strategies that slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients.


This study is part of a project funded by the Carlos III Health Institute and led by Dr. Mònica Bulló, Professor of the URV Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology and current director of TecnATox.

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The journal Sostenible have just published a report on the threat of microplastics for the environment, as seas and oceans are increasingly polluted by these polymers. Joaquim Rovira was interviewed, together with other Catalan researchers, to give a broader  view of the problem and indicate some potential solutions to mitigate medium- and long-term effects of microplastics pollution.

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