Technology Transfer

Quantification, characterization and study of the removal of microplastics in the different treatment units of water for public consumption

INTERNADH: Research on the use of biocompatible and biodegradable adhesives for internal sutures

GLUENERVE: Research on the use of biocompatible adhesives for suture and nerve repair

Environmental impact and health risks after the partial substitution of regular fuel by alternative fuels near the cement factory of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona

Environmental monitoring and risk assessment on the population by the emissions of heavy metals and dioxins in the vicinity of the cement plant of Vallcarca, Barcelona

Environmental monitoring and assessment of potential health risks for the population in the vicinity of the CEMEX cement plant, Alcanar

Monitoring the levels of dioxins and furans, metals, and particles around the cement plant of Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona

Environmental monitoring and risk assessment on the population by the emissions of heavy metals and dioxins in the vicinity of the IRSU of Mataró, Barcelona.

Monitoring the environmental impact and health risks of the hazardous waste landfill of Can Palà, Castellolí

INSULIN: INformation on endocrine diSrUptors and the deveLopment of gestatIoNal diabetes mellitus - a mobile app

INSPECTION: IN Situ device for Pollutants dEteCTion In cOntiNuos

IN-NOVAPlastics. INNOVAtive tools for the quantification of and micro and nano-Plastics in environmental samples

TECNANO: Innovative TEChnology for in situ quantification of NANO and Micro- plastics

TOXMIC: TOXicant monitoring chamber for MICrocontaminants

ALEXNEXT: Alexandrium analysis by Next-Generation Sequencing

Follow-up of the chemical pollution in the surroundings of the industrial complex of Camp de Tarragona

Determination of concentrations of heavy metals, dioxins and dibenzofurans in the physical and biotic environments of the area under influence of the special waste incineration plant in Tarragona