
Multiple participation at the II Conference of Southern Catalonia Biology

Posted on 28-03-2022


Several researchers of TecnATox will participate at the II Biology Conference of the Territorial Section of Southern Catalonia of the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB-CS), whose objective is to make researchers and society aware of the diversity of biological research that is being carried out in in the counties of Tarragona, and open a space for debate and exchange between biology professionals. The aim of the SCB-CS is to integrate the large community of biologists, biotechnologists and biochemists, as well as specialists in the different fields of biomedicine in their activities.

This second day aims to provide an overview of one of the backbones of the research carried out by biologists in southern Catalonia, in the Tarragona region: human nutrition. In particular, we want to focus on one of the aspects that are emerging strongly in the field of nutrition and is the role that the microbiome plays on general health, on the functioning of the immune system, on the evolution of metabolic diseases. such as diabetes or the development of cognitive loss processes.

Details of the workprogram, as well as the list of speakers, are summarized in the file below. Registrations can be done at https://scb.iec.cat/ii-jornada-de-biologia-de-la-catalunya-sud/