
Event: The sea turtle on the Catalan coast and environmental volunteering. Book colloquium and presentation

Posted on 05-07-2021

Dr. Jaume Folch, reseacher of the Ecotoxicology area of TecnATox, is going to participate to the round table on the current situation of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) population on the Catalan coast and in particular in Tarragona. It will take place on July 6 at 6 PM, and the state of this turtle will be discussed, including the latest observations and laying of eggs, the trend that is expected in the coming years and the key role that volunteering has in the protection of this species.
There will be a discussion about plastics and microplastics present in the waters and what effects they can have on these and other animals on our coasts.
Finally, the book "La tortuga marina de La Pineda", by Ferran Aguilar, will be presented about the loggerhead turtle that nested in La Pineda during 2020.
Attendance is limited to 80 people upon registration and seating. The event will be recorded and can be followed live by Teams. If you want to follow the even in streaming, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before July 5 at noon.
* People who have not previously registered will not be allowed to enter. It will not be possible to access the event in the case of presenting COVID symptoms, having a confirmed diagnosis, or being pending diagnostic results.