
Dr. Margarita Torrente and Dr. Luis Heredia, resarchers of "Neuropsychology and Emotions" are of TecnATox presented the following posters in the National Conference of Psychology and the ASTRO Annual Meeting:
Heredia, L., Roca, Gemma., Vicens, P., Torrente, M. (2019). Relación entre el nivel de disfuncionalidad ejecutiva y la percepción de tristeza en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología e International Symposium on Psychological Prevention. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain. Del 21 al 24 de Julio del 2019.N. Rodriguez De Dios, M. Murcia, F. Counago, J. Lopez, M. Rico Oses, P. M. Samper Ots, C. Vallejo, F. J. Luna Tirado, I. Trueba Garayo, C. Cigarral Garcia, A. Sotoca, J.D. Gispert, N. Farre R.M. Manero, J. Capellades Font, M. Jimenez De La Pen, X. Duran Jorda, C. Ordonez Gonzalez, T. Rognoni Trueba, M. Blanco Ulla, M.C. Bacaicoa, M. Torrente, M. Montero, A. Alonso Torres, J. Escribano Vera, J. Martinez SAN Millan, P. Calvo Crespo. Phase III Trial of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation with or without Hippocampal Avoidance for SMALL-CELL LUNG Cancer. Presentation type: Poster. 2019 September 15 - 18, 2019, Chicago, IL (USA). ASTRO Annual Meeting. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 105 (1S), supplement 2019: S35-S36
Posted on 10-10-2019

European Researchers’ Nights are public events dedicated to bringing researchers closer to the public. They showcase the diversity of research and highlight the impact of research on our daily lives. The aim is also to motivate young people to embark on research careers. The events promote how researchers contribute to our society by displaying their work in an interactive and engaging forum, and will be simoultaneously performed in 300 cities of 30 countries on September 26-29th 2019.
Dr. Jaume Folch, Dr. Jordi Sierra, Dr. Roberta Carafa and Nora Expósito took advantage of this event to bring to the general population their exiting research on microplastics.
Posted on 07-10-2019
Scientific Articles 01-10-2019
Scientific Articles 24-09-2019
Posted on 26-09-2019

Prof. José L. Domingo, founder and emeritus director of TecnATox, will give a talk about the health effects of environmental pollution in Tarragona.
The event will take place on October 2nd at 7PM in Sala d'actes of IMET (Tarragona).
Posted on 26-09-2019

Dr. Margarita Torrente, co-director of Neuropsicology and Emotions area and Neuropsycologyst of "Reus and Baix Camp Alzheimer association", will be leading a round table about stress and emotions of caregivers. The discussion will count with the participation of two relatives of Alzheimer's patients too. It will take place on September 17, at 18PM in "Sala Emili Argilaga, Centre de Lectura" located in Reus (Tarragona).
Posted on 16-09-2019

The Finnish Society of Toxicology (FST) is excited about organizing the congress EUROTOX 2019 in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The congress will take place from September 8th to 11th. The venue is Finlandia Hall, a building full of European history and at the same time a modern and a highly sophisticated venue even for the most demanding conference delegate.
Prof. Domingo (founder and emeritus director of TecnATox) and Deepika (PhD student) will attend to this conference presenting the following presentations:
P04-039 – Food levels of 9 bisphenol analogues in Catalonia (Spain): Comparing canned vs non-canned foodstuffs (#668)J. L. Domingo, N. González, S. Cunha, C. Monteiro, J. O. Fernandes, M. Marquès, M. Nadal
Session: PV01 - Poster Viewing 1
Date: Monday, 9 September, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Room: Veranda Lounge, Piazza (VL)
P12-016 – Integration of PBPK with ROS SB model for PFOS induced Neurotoxicity (#497)
D. Deepika, R. P. Sharma, M. Schuhmacher, V. Kumar
Session: PV02 - Poster Viewing 2
Date: Tuesday, 10 September, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Room: Veranda Lounge, Piazza (VL)
Posted on 06-09-2019

The TecnATox research area "Ecotoxicology" is leading an important research about the identification of microplastics in the Catalan coast of Tarragona. By now, more than the half part of indentified plastics are clothing fibers. This impacting finding appeared in more than 50 press releases:
Posted on 04-09-2019
Scientific Articles 29-08-2019
Scientific Articles 01-10-2019
Scientific Articles 01-10-2019
Scientific Articles 01-10-2019
Scientific Articles 20-11-2019
Scientific Articles 01-09-2019
Scientific Articles 01-09-2019
Posted on 17-07-2019

Prof. Domingo has been recently interviewed by SINC La Ciencia es Noticia (Science is news) and La Vanguardia. The reason of such interview was the last TecnATox research focused on the occurrence of toxic chemical compounds in clothes and related human health risks.
The textile industry uses toxic compounds affecting the environment, but also the health of such industry workers. Recent studies indicate that depending on the use and kind of clothes, consumers might suffer more than just a cutaneous allergy. These risks are not properly considered by the regulations of textile products. You can read the full press releases in the following links:
Posted on 30-04-2019

The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has just communicated the provisional resolution of the I+D+i "Retos de investigación" ("Research challenges") of the State program of I+D+i adressed to the society challenges corresponding to the call of 2018.
After 8 months of evaluation process, the proposal entitled "Sources, exposure and human health risks of classic and emerging flame retardants in indoor environments of Spain. Integrated approach of human health risk." presented by Prof. Marta Schuhmacher (IP) has been proposed to be funded.
Posted on 29-04-2019