

Posted on 22-04-2020

Our research team of the "Neuropsychology Area and Emotions" Area of TecnATox has designed a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the impact of the confinement caused by COVID-19 at neuropsychological, psychological and emotional level, considering the proximity to the chemical and petrochemical complex of Tarragona (study approved by the Ethical Committee CEim-IISPV, num. 084/2020).

Results of the questionnaire will make possible to obtain relevant information about the negative effects on our mental health caused by the current situation in our County, as well as the parameters influencing on it, to further provide recommendations to the public administation.

The questionnaire is anonymous and will take you only 10 minutes. It is available throught the following link:PETROCOVID (https://psico.fcep.urv.cat/Q/petrocovid). Thanks for your participation!