I-BREATH: Environmental contaminants a real challenge for childhood and elderly: the link between inflammation and behavioral outcomes
Diabetic retinopathy diagnosis and screening from eye fundus images
PARC: European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
Financially co-funded by the EU “Horizon Europe” framework programme for the 2021-2027 period under the grant agreement No. 101057014.
DISCERN: A customised DIgital Space to Foster Circular Economy EntrepReNeurship with SMEs
PETRO: impact of the petrochemical complex of Tarragona on human health
INSULIN: INformation on endocrine diSrUptors and the deveLopment of gestatIoNal diabetes mellitus - a mobile app
PETRO-Fertyl: Assessing the impact of the Petrochemical complex of Tarragona on male infertility
PESTICIDE: Dietary exposure to pesticides: transition from a conventional to an organic diet
SEEDS: Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship
INSPECTION: IN Situ device for Pollutants dEteCTion In cOntiNuos
SPRINT: Sustainable Plant Protection Transition
IBERAQUA-NET: Ecosystems, pollution and hydrological processes
EarlyCLOTHES: Early-life exposure to chemicaL substances through textile materials: Health risk assessment
DEM-BIOTA: DEMentias and microBIOTA composition: Microbiota in dementias. Is possible to revert the dementia symptoms reverting the microbiota composition?
IN-NOVAPlastics. INNOVAtive tools for the quantification of and micro and nano-Plastics in environmental samples
Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and FURV through "Research to Business - R2B" Grants (Project No R2B2019/03)
AiguaBCN: The first map of the quality of tap water in Barcelona
ANDCOM-4.0: didactic approaches in duty of developing ANDragog’s COMpetences
Co-funded by the European Union's ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065130.
FlameRISK: Sources, exposure and health risk to legacy and emerging flame retardants in Spanish indoor environments. An integrated health risk approach.
SafePLASTICs: Environmental safety assessment of micro- nanoplastics for ecosystem protection
HBM4EU: Human Biomonitoring for Europe